Saturday, November 22, 2008


the sun is brightly shining
under the clear blue sky
even with this heat
still, everyones enjoying

went to the beach
to enjoy myself
having all this stuff
got ready to swim

played and had fun
with this burst of enjoyment
the day passed by so fast
nearly at its end

watching the sun set
with this wonderful scenery
time really do pass by
when youre enjoying

after watching the sunset
prepared for the events this evening
fireworks display
under the starry night

this feeling of satisfaction
this kind of relief
this happiness
i hope this moments will never end

went to the park
to have a walk
then sat on a bench
and had a rest

looked at the sakura tree
its leaves are gradually falling
with that happening
the tree started to look depressing

things happen with a reason
but even so
it feels lonely
when things you appreciate fades

day by day
its getting more dull
i guess its beauty
cannot remain forever

it truly is sad
without its beauty
but then ill wait
until it blossoms once more

the wind is changing
its gradually getting cold
as i look at the sky
i couldnt see the sun anywhere

and as i walk the street
i just came to realize
as it touched my skin
that snow is already falling

their are no one around
just me along the street
the snow is piling up
it slowly covers everything

now trapped at home
looking outside through the window
its getting stronger
a blizzard is coming

even though im secure
i dont like this anymore
when will this end
it still feels cold

opening my eyes
and tried to get out of bed
by the looks of it
everything is already calm

the snow is melting
i hear the drops of water
the snow covered surrounding
is now as it was before

i havent been out in a while
instead of being trapped at home
i could finally go out
to do the things i used to

sitting under a tree
at the hilltop
looking at the scenery
i finally realize

everthing's starting a new
everything is in place
now once again
a bud blossoms once more


Anonymous said...

uuyy may bago... hehe :) nice poem :P

g7 said...

hmmm.. thank you heheh

Anonymous said...

asus.. formal mo nmn, mr. viado :P

g7 said...

look whos talking heheh!!