Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shall never Surrender

The time has come and so have I
I'll laugh last cause you came to die
The damage done~the pain subsides
And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye.
I never kneel and I'll never rest
You can tear the heart from my chest
I'll make you see what I do best,
I'll succeed as you breathe your very last breath.
Now I know how the angel fell
I know the tale and I know it too well
I'll make you wish you had a soul to sell
When I strike you down and send you straight to hell
My army comes from deep within
Beneath my soul--beneath my skin
As you're ending, I'm about to begin
My strength~His bane~and I will never give in.
I'll tell you now I'm the one to survive
You never break my faith or my stride
I'll have you choke on your own demise
I make the angel scream, and the devil cry

*ok ung first part, gang dun lng hehe

Thursday, February 5, 2009


its late afternoon. the office feels dull at this time especially without the others around to make it more lively. only a few of us are here. just been browsing stuffs in the net for quite a while now. been reading manga, too bad the one im reading is still ongoing and im at its latest chapter already. tried to browse for the next one that ill add to the list of my manga im currently reading but didnt find one of my interest at the then i shifted back to programming trying to study something different. for just a couple of minutes i stopped. i dont like to think anymore. i looked at the other two to see what they were doing but they seem busy. oh well back to browsing then laid my head back on the chair. after a couple of minutes everythings fading slowly. tried to stay awake by drinking water and walking around. but to no avail it didnt work. so i gave in, plugged the earphones and let everything fade into darkness.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An Angel of the Past

It was already evening. Preparing to go home got to call it a day. Been busy lately because of work (as usual). (another reason)and so that i could go home and play the game that i was addicted to(Devil may Cry >:) ). packed my laptop and waiting for my friends to finish their game of poker. as i watch their game it was kinda fun, playing mind games with your opponent. and when they're finally done got my phone and plugged the earphones. of course YUI's on the playlist (:D). walking to where the place we ride to go home. saw a familiar face but im not sure if it was really her. as she was drawing near to me, i still couldnt tell if it was really her. her appearance looks different she has long hair now and from the memories i had, i had that image of her also, coz i was used to it short. i dont know if it was her but still i felt that she was her. then when she was almost in front of me then passing me by, the reaction she made was the same by the person i thought of. memories came rushing in, then i suddenly looked back at her to really really confirm it. she was walking to fast to avoid me so i couldnt tell.(i dont know if it was really to avoid me. these are assumptions because i dont know.) hmmm was then, just then that i realized that she has the same eyes like mine.

then i thought

("our paths crossed. and now we're walking opposite directions. im really glad our paths intersected.")
"i dont mind and i dont care now.( plain blank devilish grin)" mumbling to myself.


"i hate myself."


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


A little kid was seen sitting at the middle of a field. Grass was the only thing that could be seen on that field. He just sat there alone. Quiet and emotionless. He was just staring at nothing, nothing at all. Then he dropped on his back and looked towards the sky. He looked towards the sky trying to find the end. But he could see no bound. He then sighed and said.

“ Blue... “

There was not a cloud in sight. Blue as far as the eye could see. That moment just stood still. Nothing else moved. Occasionally he breathed and his heart beat slowly. Alone, the little kid just kept staring at the vastness of the sky. Slowly then he hummed a tune. A song that would be heard by all.

Let me say the words / That longed to break away / even though just for a while / I hope I touched your life / Time is not on my side / Stranded time and again / Choices are now gone / Fleeing the moment still / As I look around I try to live and feel / I shed a tear for all regrets / For that is all I have / Regrets that wound my heart / Memories that haunts my mind / The dance has ended / The song has passed / Just like me they’ll just be your past / A distant voice calls my name / As I sing this Soldiers poem / Echoing through my soul / I came from nothing only to return once more / This shall me my last poem / This shall be my last song / To extend my arms to you / For you to hear my words / For one more day I’d give it all / I’d give it all away / I’d take back all the days / Leaving our mistakes
I’ve been chasing a dream all my life / And that is all that I regret / Not saying the words you longed to hear / Succumbing to my own fears / Hiding from the truth / Now it might be too late / To say that I Love You / My dream is all around / I can’t even hold you now / I look at an old photograph / To feel you lips / Your eyes / Your smile / But not even love can change this day / Nothing can change our faith / And as I die all alone / No one will ever hear this song / Frozen inside and out / I never got to hear your voice / Say those blissful words / That when I say I love you / You’ll say you love me too / Now I say my last goodbye / I say these final words / This Soldiers Prayer is my last goodbye / Before I close my eyes / This Soldiers Prayer is my last goodbye / Before I leave this world //

“ Do you even know what the song means? ”

A faint voice spoke to the boy. But still he remained unfazed. He just stood there still and sighed. He could hear the other person walk slowly towards him and then sat beside him. He took a glance at the person on his side and then looked towards the sky again.

“ It’s still blue... ”

“ Which one? ”

The person beside him then stared at him for a few moments and gave a puzzled look. The person saw how focused the boy was with what he was looking at and the person stared at the same direction.

“ The sky... It’s still blue... ”